Sunday, November 21, 2010

trikona and bindu

The Tiangle (TRIKONA)
The triangle (TRIKONA) is the symbol of SHAKTI, the feminine energy or aspect of Creation. The triangle pointing down represents the YONI, the feminine sexual organ and the symbol of the supreme source of the Universe, and when the triangle is pointing upwards it signifies intense spiritual aspiration, the sublimation of one's nature into the most subtle planes and the element of fire (AGNI TATTVA). The fire is always oriented upwards, thus the correlation with the upward triangle - SHIVA KONA. On the other hand, the downward pointing triangle signifies the element of water which always tends to flown and occupy the lowest possible position. This triangle is known as SHAKTI KONA.

The intersection of two geometric forms (lines, triangles, circles, etc.) represents forces that are even more intense than those generated by the simple forms. Such an interpenetration indicates a high level in the dynamic interaction of the correspondent energies. The empty spaces generated by such combinations are described as very efficient operational fields of the forces emanating from the centeral point of the YANTRA. That is why we can very often encounter representations of MANTRAS in such spaces. YANTRA and MANTRA are complementary aspects of SHIVA and their use together is much more efficient than the use of one alone.
The Dot (BINDU)
the dot (BINDU) signifies the focalized energy and its intense concentration. It can be evnisaged as a kind of energy deposit which can in turn radiate energy under other forms. The dot is usually surrounded by different surfaces, either a triangle, a hexagon, a circle etc. These forms depend on the characteristic of the deity or aspect represented by the YANTRA. In the tantric iconography, the dot is named BINDU; in tantra BINDU is symbolically considered to be SHIVA himself, the source of the whole creation.

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